Main menu and continue screens are from Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.Continue screen uses UMK3 and not final MKT.The introduction text from final is absent.Options/Attract music plays in Title Screen.Classic Sub-Zero and Human Smoke Bios are empty.Title screen and options menu backgrounds are different.You can't lose against fight with Noob Saibot from Shao Kahn's Lost Treasures.Free play code and combinations to play as Motaro/Shao Kahn works.

Baraka's Spin move is performed by tapping Back + Block.Human Smoke has Scorpion's Clone Fatality and his UMK3 combination for Babality.Unmasked and Masked Sub-Zero are both present and with their UMK3/CDMKT moveset each one, instead of the masked hybrid of both in the final N64 release.